Wonzone Cleanroom Systerm
Modular cleanroom
Application field
Customizable  clean room
Clean rooms and modular laboratories are two common experimental environments in scientific research....
Kamar bersih modular
Kamar bersih modular
Persaingan dunia yang semakin meningkat dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, yang mengedepankan persyaratan yang lebih tinggi untuk laboratorium, laboratorium harus sepenuhnya sesuai untuk ruang tetap yang sesuai, banyak pelanggan berharap bahwa laboratorium tersebut dapat cocok untuk pengembangan masa depan perluasan laboratorium tersebut dapat dapat diterima, sistem laboratorium harus cukup fleksibel untuk memenuhi persyaratan tersebut, sehingga lahirlah desain modular laboratorium. Hal ini ditandai dengan konstruksi modular, fleksibilitas, kombinasi dan pembongkaran yang mudah serta fungsi yang lengkap.....
sistem partisi ruang bersih
sistem partisi ruang bersih
memberikan fleksibilitas lengkap dengan dinding yang dapat diturunkan yang memungkinkan panel dimodifikasi atau dilepas tanpa mengganggu panel dinding yang berdekatan atau langit-langit. semua sistem menggunakan komponen yang sama sehingga estetika konsisten di seluruh dan keduanya dapat dengan mudah diintegrasikan dengan sistem dinding modular yang ada. dinding partisi ruang bersih biasanya digunakan untuk aplikasi keperluan umum seperti laboratorium, ruang kemasan farmasi, penutup mesin dan peralatan, bilik cat, dan area lain yang membutuhkan lingkungan yang terkendali .....
sistem plafon palsu
sistem plafon palsu
sistem plafon kamar bersih merupakan bagian penting dari sistem kamar bersih. itu terdiri dari sistem t paduan aluminium dan sistem langit-langit. biasanya digunakan dalam proyek-proyek ruang bersih di mana tingkat kebersihannya relatif tinggi, misalnya: kelas 100, kelas 1000, 100000 itu banyak digunakan dalam industri elektronik, industri kimia, industri militer, dll., dan juga digunakan dalam industri lain. fungsi utama dari sistem plafon ruangan bersih adalah untuk mendukung peralatan ffu (fan, unit filter), sistem sprinkler api, sistem pencahayaan, sistem penyiaran, dll. sistem plafon ruangan bersih ditangguhkan dari struktur bangunan atau struktur baja oleh komponen suspensi . sistem langit-langit kamar bersih yang diproduksi oleh perusahaan kami telah dirancang dan dikembangkan dengan hati-hati selama 10 tahun, dikombinasikan dengan keunggulan berbagai sistem t grid, dengan bobot ringan, kekuatan tinggi, walkable, mudah dipasang, dan sebagainya. ini adalah dasar untuk beberapa instalasi sistem.
pintu kamar bersih
pintu kamar bersih
pintu kamar bersih perusahaan kami meliputi pintu hpl, pintu baja stainless, pintu baja dan pintu kaca dll. menurut mode sakelar pintu, dapat dibagi menjadi pintu tarik / dorong dan pintu geser. pintu kamar bersih kami kompatibel dengan semua tingkat kamar bersih dan dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda. kami menggunakan baja berkualitas tinggi untuk membuat pintu dan segel ganda di semua sisi untuk mencegah kebocoran dan kontaminasi. kami menawarkan fitur seperti ukuran dan warna khusus, kunci elektronik dan strip pembersih.
peralatan kamar bersih
peralatan kamar bersih
ada banyak jenis peralatan kamar bersih, termasuk peralatan ventilasi, peralatan pencahayaan, peralatan pemadam kebakaran, peralatan listrik, dll. ada empat jenis peralatan kamar bersih yang diproduksi oleh perusahaan kami, pass box 、 shower udara 、 penutup aliran laminar murni dan penutup beratnya. ada yang banyak digunakan dalam sistem kamar bersih. fungsi utama dari kotak pass adalah untuk memindahkan barang, mengurangi pergerakan orang di ruang bersih untuk mengurangi timbulnya debu, dan juga bertindak sebagai transfer barang kecil. alat. shower udara adalah bagian yang harus dilewati seseorang ketika memasuki ruang bersih. menggunakan udara berkecepatan tinggi untuk meniup personil untuk menghilangkan partikel debu yang dibawa ke ruang bersih dan memastikan kebersihan ruangan ....
perabot laboratorium
perabot laboratorium
Furnitur laboratorium adalah meja operasi untuk percobaan laboratorium, antara lain lemari asam, meja tengah, meja samping, lemari reagen, lemari instrumen, loker, lemari laboratorium, lemari obat, meja laboratorium, platform langit, penutup pelindung, dll. Diklasifikasikan berdasarkan bahan, itu mencakup semua baja, semua kayu, kayu baja, kayu aluminium dan jenis lainnya. Meja dapat dibuat dari pelat merek Trespa, VIA dan pelat fisik dan kimia lainnya, atau pelat keramik atau pelat resin epoksi untuk mencapai ketahanan asam, alkali, dan abrasi.....
  • perusahaan didirikan

    perusahaan didirikan

  • karyawan perusahaan

    karyawan perusahaan

  • omset tahunan perusahaan (m)

    omset tahunan perusahaan (m)

  • negara kerja sama

    negara kerja sama

tentang kami
konstruksi wonzone (suzhou) co., ltd. adalah perusahaan desain dan manufaktur sistem kamar bersih global , dan lokasi pabrik yang terletak di kunshan, china, dan lebih dari 19900 meter persegi. wonzone adalah produsen profesional bahan-bahan kamar bersih, termasuk panel sandwich, sistem grid plafon, sistem pintu dan jendela, kotak pass, shower air dan lain-lain dalam industri elektronik, farmasi, makanan, militer, matahari, bahan kimia dan lain-lain, bekerja pada desain kamar bersih 、 produksi selama 15 tahun. kami menawarkan paket dan layanan ...
pabrik kami

pabrik kami terletak di kunshan, jiangsu, cina.

pabrik kami adalah pabrik rekayasa konstruksi yang fokus pada desain, pembuatan, dan pembangunan kamar bersih. menyediakan program pembangunan yang profesional dan ekonomis serta layanan untuk informasi elektronik, farmasi, makanan, kosmetik, industri militer, industri kimia, dll. lebih dari 15 tahun pengalaman cleanroom tim profesional dan teknis.

dengan "mencari kebenaran dari fakta, kerja sama layanan" filosofi bisnis. apa yang harus dilakukan memastikan bahwa membangun setiap proyek berkualitas tinggi.

ruang lingkup bisnis: Cleanroom, elektromekanis, teknik dekorasi.

produk cleanroom: grid langit-langit ffu, panel sandwich, pintu kamar bersih, jendela udara, kotak pass, timbangan penutup dll. buat rekayasa kualitas dan berikan produk berkualitas untuk pelanggan.

sertifikat kehormatan
  • laporan lisensi terverifikasi
  • Sertifikat Pendaftaran 1
  • sertifikat paten desain
  • sertifikasi sgs
  • sertifikat sgs
Profil Perusahaan
tentang kami
konstruksi wonzone (suzhou) co., ltd. adalah perusahaan desain dan manufaktur sistem kamar bersih global , dan lokasi pabrik yang terletak di kunshan, china, dan lebih dari 19900 meter persegi. wonzone adalah produsen profesional bahan-bahan kamar bersih, termasuk panel sandwich, sistem grid plafon, sistem pintu dan jendela, kotak pass, shower air dan lain-lain dalam industri elektronik, farmasi, makanan, militer, matahari, bahan kimia dan lain-lain, bekerja pada desain kamar bersih 、 produksi selama 15 tahun. kami menawarkan paket dan layanan ...
keuntungan kita
sebagai perusahaan elit di industri kamar bersih, perusahaan kami memiliki banyak keunggulan luar biasa.
  • perencanaan dan desain
    perencanaan dan desain
    dari awal inisiasi proyek, membantu pelanggan untuk secara rasional merencanakan tata letak interior pabrik, divisi kompartemen. desain tata letak untuk berbagai persyaratan proses produksi pelanggan. pengalaman desain dan konstruksi selama bertahun-tahun memungkinkan kami untuk memahami persyaratan khusus dari berbagai proses produksi dan dapat me...
  • menghasilkan
    kualitas produk tidak diuji, tetapi diproduksi. profesionalisme berasal dari konsentrasi. kami telah merancang dan manufaktur di industri ruang bersih selama 15 tahun. selama bertahun-tahun pengalaman kerja dan produksi , kami telah menyadari bahwa hanya pembelajaran, inovasi, dan berkelanjutan yang dapat mengikuti perkembangan industri.
  • Pasang
    sejak 2005, kami telah memiliki banyak pengalaman instalasi di tempat di daratan Cina dan pasar luar negeri. dalam pengalaman ini, kami terus meningkatkan tingkat teknologi konstruksi kami, dan kami telah memupuk banyak installer teknis yang sangat baik. kualitas, kemajuan dan keamanan proyek dapat dikontrol secara efektif untuk memastikan kelancar...
  • setelah penjualan
    setelah penjualan
    kami menyediakan pelanggan dengan layanan purna jual yang komprehensif, dijamin dan serba. Dilengkapi dengan tenaga layanan purna jual yang profesional untuk melacak produk-produk purna jual dan menjawab pertanyaan pelanggan tepat waktu. dan memberikan data informasi produk yang sesuai dan instruksi pemasangan. untuk produk yang telah dijual dengan...
bidang aplikasi
kamar bersih banyak digunakan obat-obatan, informasi elektronik, makanan, kosmetik, industri militer, industri kimia dan lain-lain
berita terbaru
berita terbaru
sepenuhnya menampilkan berita perusahaan terbaru, acara perusahaan terbaru ...
Construction of clean room select clean plate attention points


Construction of clean room select clean plate attention points

In the construction of a clean room, the selection of the right sheet is a key factor in ensuring environmental control and maintaining sterile conditions. Clean room sheets must not only have good physical properties, such as chemical corrosion resistance, antistatic and easy cleaning, but also meet specific health and safety standards. In this sector, hpl wall panels are popular for their superior durability and ease of cleaning and maintenance. These sheets are usually composed of multiple layers of material with a surface layer specially treated to resist the wear and contamination that may be encountered in everyday use. Medical clean Panels are cleanroom panels designed for medical environments that not only meet conventional cleanroom standards, but also withstand frequent disinfection and cleaning. These sheets often have antibacterial properties that effectively inhibit the growth of bacteria and microorganisms, providing an ideal solution for critical areas such as hospital operating rooms, laboratories and pharmaceutical workshops. Flexibility and scalability are important considerations in the design of clean rooms. Clean room Demountable partition Walls provide such flexibility that they can be easily installed and removed to accommodate the changing needs of the clean room space. This partition wall is usually modular in design, allowing the layout of the clean room to be quickly adjusted according to the needs of production or research. In addition, the Clean room Demountable partition wall is also very careful in the choice of materials. They are usually made of dust-free, sterile materials, such as stainless steel or special plastic composites, which are not only easy to clean, but also provide good sealing properties to prevent the penetration of particles and microorganisms. The installation of such partition walls usually does not require the use of tools, thus reducing the risk of introducing contaminants during installation. Overall, the choice of clean room panels is critical to maintaining the high standards of the clean room. Whether it's hpl wall panels, Medical clean panel or Clean room Demountable partition wall, they are an essential part of building an efficient and reliable clean room environment. With these high-quality sheets, it is possible to ensure that clean rooms play their key role in a variety of industrial and scientific applications.

  • 09-06


    Clean room grades and critical components: elements to ensure a high standard of clean environment

    Clean room technology is an integral part of modern industry and research, providing a dust-free, sterile environment for the manufacture of sensitive products and precision equipment. The classification of clean rooms is determined according to the number and size of suspended particles in the air, and these grades are essential to ensure product quality and the accuracy of scientific research experiments. This article will explore the importance of clean room grades and several key components associated with them. Including clean room doors manufacturers, clean room ceilings, clean room partitions, and clean room window, Special emphasis is placed on the role of the air tight sliding cleanroom door. Cleanroom grades are usually defined in accordance with international standards such as ISO or U.S. federal standards, which specify the maximum number of particles allowed per cubic meter of air. For example, ISO Class 4 cleanrooms allow up to 3,500 0.5 micron sized particles per cubic meter of air, while ISO Class 5 allows up to 35 particles of the same size. The achievement of these grades relies on high-quality clean room components, including doors, ceilings, partitions and Windows. Clean room doors manufacturers air tight sliding cleanroom doors are the key to controlling the cleanroom environment. These doors are designed to minimize air leakage and ensure air tightness in the clean room. They are usually equipped with seals and automatic closing mechanisms to prevent contaminants from entering the clean room. The design of the airtight sliding door also takes into account the ease of operation to reduce interference with the clean room environment when personnel enter and exit. Clean room ceilings are another important component that not only supports the clean room structure, but also hides various service facilities such as HVAC systems, lighting and fire fighting equipment. Ceiling materials need to be easy to clean and not prone to particulate matter in order to maintain the stability of the clean room environment. Clean room partitions are used to divide the Spaces of clean rooms and create different levels of clean areas. These partitions are usually made of stainless steel or other materials that do not easily produce particles to ensure that they do not pollute the clean room environment. Partitions need to be designed with ease of cleaning and maintenance in mind, as well as the impact on air flow and pressure control. The Clean room window allows for external observation while maintaining a stable environment in the clean room. Windows are usually designed with double or multiple layers of glass to provide heat and sound insulation. In some cases, Windows may also need to be equipped with a special coating or film to prevent static electricity or UV rays from affecting the cleanroom. In summary, the realization of clean room grade relies on high quality design and construction materials, as well as professional manufacturers such a...

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  • 09-06


    How to choose clean room Windows for clean room construction?

    In the high-tech industry and biomedical research, clean room design and maintenance is a key factor in ensuring product quality and experimental accuracy. As an important part of clean room, the choice of clean room window is very important to maintain the stability of indoor environment and control pollution. This paper will discuss the selection of Clean room Windows, especially the application scenarios of Clean room double glass window and clean room single glass window. And the role of modular clean room manufacturers in this process. First of all, clean room double-glazed Windows are preferred for high-grade clean rooms as they provide additional thermal and sound insulation properties. Double-glazed Windows consist of two pieces of glass with a layer of air or special gas filling between them. This design significantly increases the thermal resistance of the Windows, thereby reducing energy loss. The Clean room double glass window is ideal for clean rooms that require strict control of temperature and humidity, such as semiconductor manufacturing, biological laboratories, and testing environments for certain high-precision instruments. In addition, double-glazed Windows can effectively block outside noise, providing a quiet working environment for researchers and operators. On the other hand, clean room single-layer glass Windows are suitable for environments with less stringent temperature and humidity control requirements. Clean room single glass window is commonly used in general clean rooms, such as some light industrial production, packaging areas or auxiliary rooms in laboratories. Single-pane Windows are relatively inexpensive and easier to install and maintain. However, they do not perform as well as double-glazed Windows in terms of heat and sound insulation, so they are not recommended in situations where environmental control is required. Modular clean room manufacturers play an important role in the selection and installation of clean room Windows. These specialized companies, such as modular clean room manufacturers, offer customized clean room solutions, including window design, material selection and installation services. They recommend the most suitable type of window according to the specific needs and budget of the customer, and ensure the tightness of the window and the overall performance of the clean room. Modular clean room manufacturers are also responsible for the daily maintenance and regular inspection of Windows to ensure the long-term stable operation of the clean room. In summary, the selection of clean room Windows should be based on the specific application needs and environmental control standards of the clean room. Clean room double glass window is suitable for environments with strict temperature and humidity control requirements, while Clean room single glass window is suitable for occasions with relatively low requirements. Modular clean room manufacturers play a key role in providing professional advi...

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  • 09-06


    What environment is the Ark laboratory suitable for? How much do you know?

    The Ark laboratory design is becoming the ideal choice for outdoor research and industrial applications, and its design takes into account the variability and special needs of the outdoor environment. With its high degree of flexibility, customizability and ease of relocation, this laboratory provides a robust and fully functional research platform for outdoor research. The outdoor applicability of the Ark laboratory design is first reflected in the robustness of its structure. The laboratory is designed to withstand extreme weather conditions such as strong winds, heavy rain and high temperatures. This design ensures that the laboratory remains stable and safe even in harsh outdoor environments. The wall design also takes into account the special needs of the outdoor environment. The wall is made of glass fiber sandwich board , which is not only light, high strength, but also has good moisture-proof and sound insulation performance. In an outdoor environment, this material can effectively protect the interior of the laboratory from moisture and noise, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the experiment. In order to adapt to the changeable outdoor environment, the wall of the ark laboratory is specially installed with a trough slide. These slides not only facilitate the installation of various laboratory equipment, but also allow the equipment to move flexibly when needed. This flexibility allows the laboratory to quickly adapt to different experimental needs, whether in the remote field or on temporary sites. The use of steel clean room doors further improves the outdoor applicability of the Ark laboratory. This kind of door is not only durable, but also can effectively isolate the external environment and maintain the cleanliness of the laboratory interior. In outdoor environments, the design of this door is especially important because it prevents dust, insects, and other external factors that may interfere with the experiment from entering the laboratory. Finally, the concept of the first prefabricated laboratory played a key role in the design of the Ark laboratory. Prefabrication means that most of the lab's components, including wall panels, floors, ceilings, and equipment brackets, can be pre-manufactured and assembled in the factory. This prefabricated production method not only improves the construction efficiency and shortens the construction cycle, but also ensures the quality and consistency of the laboratory by standardizing the production process. This ability to deploy quickly is particularly important in outdoor Settings, as it allows laboratories to be operational in the shortest possible time, minimizing impact on research schedules. In summary, the Ark laboratory design provides an efficient, economical and mobile solution for outdoor research and industrial applications through its robust construction, flexible wall design, steel clean room doors and prefabricated laboratory concept. This design not only meets the specifi...

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Case Center
We have  cooperated with many well-known domestic pharmaceutical companies, R&D centers, hospitals, and disease control centers. Established long-term cooperative relationship. These include Qilu Pharmaceutical, Wanhua Chemical, Luye Pharmaceutical, Kanghong Pharmaceutical, Shanghai Fudan University, Shenzhen Nanshan Hospital, Shenzhen Pin...
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