Wonzone Cleanroom Systerm
Modular cleanroom
Application field
Customizable  clean room
Clean rooms and modular laboratories are two common experimental environments in scientific research....
Kamar bersih modular
Kamar bersih modular
Persaingan dunia yang semakin meningkat dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, yang mengedepankan persyaratan yang lebih tinggi untuk laboratorium, laboratorium harus sepenuhnya sesuai untuk ruang tetap yang sesuai, banyak pelanggan berharap bahwa laboratorium tersebut dapat cocok untuk pengembangan masa depan perluasan laboratorium tersebut dapat dapat diterima, sistem laboratorium harus cukup fleksibel untuk memenuhi persyaratan tersebut, sehingga lahirlah desain modular laboratorium. Hal ini ditandai dengan konstruksi modular, fleksibilitas, kombinasi dan pembongkaran yang mudah serta fungsi yang lengkap.....
sistem partisi ruang bersih
sistem partisi ruang bersih
memberikan fleksibilitas lengkap dengan dinding yang dapat diturunkan yang memungkinkan panel dimodifikasi atau dilepas tanpa mengganggu panel dinding yang berdekatan atau langit-langit. semua sistem menggunakan komponen yang sama sehingga estetika konsisten di seluruh dan keduanya dapat dengan mudah diintegrasikan dengan sistem dinding modular yang ada. dinding partisi ruang bersih biasanya digunakan untuk aplikasi keperluan umum seperti laboratorium, ruang kemasan farmasi, penutup mesin dan peralatan, bilik cat, dan area lain yang membutuhkan lingkungan yang terkendali .....
sistem plafon palsu
sistem plafon palsu
sistem plafon kamar bersih merupakan bagian penting dari sistem kamar bersih. itu terdiri dari sistem t paduan aluminium dan sistem langit-langit. biasanya digunakan dalam proyek-proyek ruang bersih di mana tingkat kebersihannya relatif tinggi, misalnya: kelas 100, kelas 1000, 100000 itu banyak digunakan dalam industri elektronik, industri kimia, industri militer, dll., dan juga digunakan dalam industri lain. fungsi utama dari sistem plafon ruangan bersih adalah untuk mendukung peralatan ffu (fan, unit filter), sistem sprinkler api, sistem pencahayaan, sistem penyiaran, dll. sistem plafon ruangan bersih ditangguhkan dari struktur bangunan atau struktur baja oleh komponen suspensi . sistem langit-langit kamar bersih yang diproduksi oleh perusahaan kami telah dirancang dan dikembangkan dengan hati-hati selama 10 tahun, dikombinasikan dengan keunggulan berbagai sistem t grid, dengan bobot ringan, kekuatan tinggi, walkable, mudah dipasang, dan sebagainya. ini adalah dasar untuk beberapa instalasi sistem.
pintu kamar bersih
pintu kamar bersih
pintu kamar bersih perusahaan kami meliputi pintu hpl, pintu baja stainless, pintu baja dan pintu kaca dll. menurut mode sakelar pintu, dapat dibagi menjadi pintu tarik / dorong dan pintu geser. pintu kamar bersih kami kompatibel dengan semua tingkat kamar bersih dan dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda. kami menggunakan baja berkualitas tinggi untuk membuat pintu dan segel ganda di semua sisi untuk mencegah kebocoran dan kontaminasi. kami menawarkan fitur seperti ukuran dan warna khusus, kunci elektronik dan strip pembersih.
peralatan kamar bersih
peralatan kamar bersih
ada banyak jenis peralatan kamar bersih, termasuk peralatan ventilasi, peralatan pencahayaan, peralatan pemadam kebakaran, peralatan listrik, dll. ada empat jenis peralatan kamar bersih yang diproduksi oleh perusahaan kami, pass box 、 shower udara 、 penutup aliran laminar murni dan penutup beratnya. ada yang banyak digunakan dalam sistem kamar bersih. fungsi utama dari kotak pass adalah untuk memindahkan barang, mengurangi pergerakan orang di ruang bersih untuk mengurangi timbulnya debu, dan juga bertindak sebagai transfer barang kecil. alat. shower udara adalah bagian yang harus dilewati seseorang ketika memasuki ruang bersih. menggunakan udara berkecepatan tinggi untuk meniup personil untuk menghilangkan partikel debu yang dibawa ke ruang bersih dan memastikan kebersihan ruangan ....
perabot laboratorium
perabot laboratorium
Furnitur laboratorium adalah meja operasi untuk percobaan laboratorium, antara lain lemari asam, meja tengah, meja samping, lemari reagen, lemari instrumen, loker, lemari laboratorium, lemari obat, meja laboratorium, platform langit, penutup pelindung, dll. Diklasifikasikan berdasarkan bahan, itu mencakup semua baja, semua kayu, kayu baja, kayu aluminium dan jenis lainnya. Meja dapat dibuat dari pelat merek Trespa, VIA dan pelat fisik dan kimia lainnya, atau pelat keramik atau pelat resin epoksi untuk mencapai ketahanan asam, alkali, dan abrasi.....
  • perusahaan didirikan

    perusahaan didirikan

  • karyawan perusahaan

    karyawan perusahaan

  • omset tahunan perusahaan (m)

    omset tahunan perusahaan (m)

  • negara kerja sama

    negara kerja sama

tentang kami
konstruksi wonzone (suzhou) co., ltd. adalah perusahaan desain dan manufaktur sistem kamar bersih global , dan lokasi pabrik yang terletak di kunshan, china, dan lebih dari 19900 meter persegi. wonzone adalah produsen profesional bahan-bahan kamar bersih, termasuk panel sandwich, sistem grid plafon, sistem pintu dan jendela, kotak pass, shower air dan lain-lain dalam industri elektronik, farmasi, makanan, militer, matahari, bahan kimia dan lain-lain, bekerja pada desain kamar bersih 、 produksi selama 15 tahun. kami menawarkan paket dan layanan ...
pabrik kami

pabrik kami terletak di kunshan, jiangsu, cina.

pabrik kami adalah pabrik rekayasa konstruksi yang fokus pada desain, pembuatan, dan pembangunan kamar bersih. menyediakan program pembangunan yang profesional dan ekonomis serta layanan untuk informasi elektronik, farmasi, makanan, kosmetik, industri militer, industri kimia, dll. lebih dari 15 tahun pengalaman cleanroom tim profesional dan teknis.

dengan "mencari kebenaran dari fakta, kerja sama layanan" filosofi bisnis. apa yang harus dilakukan memastikan bahwa membangun setiap proyek berkualitas tinggi.

ruang lingkup bisnis: Cleanroom, elektromekanis, teknik dekorasi.

produk cleanroom: grid langit-langit ffu, panel sandwich, pintu kamar bersih, jendela udara, kotak pass, timbangan penutup dll. buat rekayasa kualitas dan berikan produk berkualitas untuk pelanggan.

sertifikat kehormatan
  • laporan lisensi terverifikasi
  • Sertifikat Pendaftaran 1
  • sertifikat paten desain
  • sertifikasi sgs
  • sertifikat sgs
Profil Perusahaan
tentang kami
konstruksi wonzone (suzhou) co., ltd. adalah perusahaan desain dan manufaktur sistem kamar bersih global , dan lokasi pabrik yang terletak di kunshan, china, dan lebih dari 19900 meter persegi. wonzone adalah produsen profesional bahan-bahan kamar bersih, termasuk panel sandwich, sistem grid plafon, sistem pintu dan jendela, kotak pass, shower air dan lain-lain dalam industri elektronik, farmasi, makanan, militer, matahari, bahan kimia dan lain-lain, bekerja pada desain kamar bersih 、 produksi selama 15 tahun. kami menawarkan paket dan layanan ...
keuntungan kita
sebagai perusahaan elit di industri kamar bersih, perusahaan kami memiliki banyak keunggulan luar biasa.
  • perencanaan dan desain
    perencanaan dan desain
    dari awal inisiasi proyek, membantu pelanggan untuk secara rasional merencanakan tata letak interior pabrik, divisi kompartemen. desain tata letak untuk berbagai persyaratan proses produksi pelanggan. pengalaman desain dan konstruksi selama bertahun-tahun memungkinkan kami untuk memahami persyaratan khusus dari berbagai proses produksi dan dapat me...
  • menghasilkan
    kualitas produk tidak diuji, tetapi diproduksi. profesionalisme berasal dari konsentrasi. kami telah merancang dan manufaktur di industri ruang bersih selama 15 tahun. selama bertahun-tahun pengalaman kerja dan produksi , kami telah menyadari bahwa hanya pembelajaran, inovasi, dan berkelanjutan yang dapat mengikuti perkembangan industri.
  • Pasang
    sejak 2005, kami telah memiliki banyak pengalaman instalasi di tempat di daratan Cina dan pasar luar negeri. dalam pengalaman ini, kami terus meningkatkan tingkat teknologi konstruksi kami, dan kami telah memupuk banyak installer teknis yang sangat baik. kualitas, kemajuan dan keamanan proyek dapat dikontrol secara efektif untuk memastikan kelancar...
  • setelah penjualan
    setelah penjualan
    kami menyediakan pelanggan dengan layanan purna jual yang komprehensif, dijamin dan serba. Dilengkapi dengan tenaga layanan purna jual yang profesional untuk melacak produk-produk purna jual dan menjawab pertanyaan pelanggan tepat waktu. dan memberikan data informasi produk yang sesuai dan instruksi pemasangan. untuk produk yang telah dijual dengan...
bidang aplikasi
kamar bersih banyak digunakan obat-obatan, informasi elektronik, makanan, kosmetik, industri militer, industri kimia dan lain-lain
berita terbaru
berita terbaru
sepenuhnya menampilkan berita perusahaan terbaru, acara perusahaan terbaru ...
Create an Efficient Clean Space: Key Elements of a Cleanroom


Create an Efficient Clean Space: Key Elements of a Cleanroom

Aluminium profile for cleaning room builds a solid and flexible framework for the cleanroom. These aluminum profiles have characteristics such as light weight, high strength, and corrosion resistance. They are easy to process and assemble and can build various shapes and structural framework systems according to different workshop layouts and needs. Whether supporting the ceiling or building partition walls, aluminum profiles can perform perfectly, laying a stable foundation for the entire cleanroom. Moreover, they can maintain structural integrity during long-term use and reduce maintenance costs. Efficient material transfer - The elaborate design of pass boxes Clean room sliding door provides a convenient passage for the entry and exit of personnel and equipment. This sliding door operates smoothly and with low noise, without interfering with the environment inside the workshop. It has good sealing performance and can effectively prevent dust particles brought by air flow. The fast opening and closing speed meets the needs of frequent passage. At the same time, functions such as automatic induction make the operation more convenient. In terms of design, it can also be customized according to the overall style and actual needs of the workshop. For example, the setting of transparent windows makes it convenient to observe the situation inside and outside the workshop. Precise air flow control - The exquisite design of flow hoods hpl sandwich panel as the main material for the walls of cleanrooms shows excellent performance. It has good heat insulation, sound insulation, and fire prevention effects, providing a stable physical environment for the workshop. The surface is smooth and flat, easy to clean and disinfect, and can effectively resist bacterial growth and dust adhesion. The high-strength structure enables it to withstand a certain impact force, ensuring that the wall will not be deformed or damaged during long-term use and providing a strong guarantee for the overall performance of the cleanroom. Through the synergistic effect of these key elements, cleanrooms can operate efficiently and create a high-quality clean environment for modern industrial production. Whether it is in electronic chip manufacturing or biomedical research and development and other fields, such carefully crafted cleanrooms are indispensable.

  • 10-17


    Efficient layout of clean room of new energy enterprises

    With the vigorous development of the new energy industry today, the reasonable layout of clean rooms is crucial to ensuring product quality, improving production efficiency and ensuring the safety of the production environment. The following are some ways to make the clean room layout of new energy enterprises more effective. Plan function zones properly According to the new energy production process, the clean room is divided into different functional areas. For example, raw material processing area, core production area, assembly area and testing area. By setting up cleanroom partition, each area can be clearly demarcated, which can prevent cross-contamination of different operations and ensure the orderly flow of personnel and materials. Reasonable channels and transfer Windows are set up between each partition, so that materials can still maintain a dust-free environment when they are transferred between different areas. Optimize air circulation system layout Air purification is the key to clean room. hpl false ceiling can be combined with high efficiency air filter to form a stable air circulation channel. The air supply outlet is evenly distributed on the ceiling, and the return air outlet is set near the ground or the bottom of the wall, so that a top-down one-way airflow can be formed, effectively taking away dust particles. At the same time, the appropriate air purification equipment is selected to ensure that the indoor air cleanliness meets the strict requirements of new energy production. Carefully arrange the location of doors and Windows The layout of clean room door and clean room window cannot be ignored. The location of the door should consider the convenience of personnel and materials entering and leaving, while avoiding airflow dead corners. Choose a door with automatic sensing and good sealing to reduce air disturbance when opening and closing. The setting of the Windows should take into account the lighting and observation needs, the use of double glazing and tightly sealed Windows, both to ensure sufficient natural light into the room, but also to prevent dust and pollutants from seeping in. Select suitable wall and floor materials The clean room sandwich panel is used for the wall. It has good thermal insulation, sound insulation and fire resistance. At the same time, the surface is smooth and easy to clean, which helps to maintain the cleanliness of the room. The ground material should be selected as anti-static, wear-resistant and easy to clean, to prevent the accumulation of static electricity from causing damage to new energy products, and to reduce dust adhesion. Reserve equipment and pipeline space In the layout, the placement of production equipment and the laying of pipelines should be fully considered. Plan device positions properly to ensure sufficient space for operation and maintenance between devices and avoid the interaction between heat and vibration generated by device operation. The pipeline layout should ...

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  • 10-17


    This lab can be easily moved, you know?

    Prefabricated modular laboratories: efficient and flexible research tools In the pursuit of efficient innovation, prefabricated laboratory Prefabricated modular laboratory emerged. It is carefully built by professional modular clean room manufacturers and has significant advantages. Factory prefabricated, efficient and time-saving Equipment and panels are prefabricated and installed in modern factories. Advanced equipment and skilled workers work together to ensure good quality. Compared with the long cycle of traditional laboratory construction, the pre-fabricated modular laboratory can be completed in as little as 3 days. This greatly reduces the waiting time, allowing consumers to quickly get into use and seize the golden opportunity for research and production. Durable and safe The frame is constructed with steel structure and glass fiber sandwich board. The steel structure is resistant to pressure and impact, such as a strong fortress, to resist external collision and vibration. The glass fiber sandwich board is anticorrosive and moisture-proof, creating a stable environment for the interior. The matching cleanroom doors are well sealed and durable, effectively blocking dust and microorganisms, ensuring a clean and safe room. Easy to move, flexible and convenient Considering the customer's relocation needs, the four corners of the laboratory are equipped with horizontal regulators. When moving, a simple rotary regulator can maintain indoor level without complex adjustments on site. This makes moving easy and efficient, reduces cost and time loss, and gives the laboratory the flexibility to adapt to different sites and needs. With the characteristics of high efficiency, robustness and convenience, the prefabricated modular laboratory has become the ideal choice in the field of scientific research and production, leading the new trend of the industry.

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  • 10-17


    It is really important to find a good manufacturer to buy clean room doors and Windows

    In today's era of efficient, safe and high-quality environment, clean room doors and Windows have become the focus of many consumers. Different types of doors and Windows play a unique and critical role in their respective fields, and the professional cleanroom door manufacturers are committed to meeting the needs of every consumer. Safety first: Show your skills in an emergency It is self-evident that consumers attach importance to safety, and emergency doors are that solid life support line. In factories, laboratories and other places, unexpected situations can happen at any time. The emergency door made by professional manufacturers has a quick response mechanism. In case of an emergency such as a fire, sensitive sensors can trigger the door opening device instantly, the door will be opened quickly, and the wide and barrier-free access ensures that people can be evacuated quickly. Its robust structure is able to withstand a certain degree of shock and pressure, maintaining stability in hazardous environments. At the same time, the eye-catching sign and lighting system on the door can guide people to find an accurate escape path even in a smoky or dark environment. Quality of choice: Steel doors cast a strong line of defense cleanroom steel door wins the trust of consumers with its excellent quality. Steel doors are ideal for places with high safety and durability requirements, such as precision instrument manufacturing workshops. The door body made of high-quality steel is strong and durable, and can effectively resist external impact and wear. After special treatment, the surface has anti-corrosion, anti-rust, antibacterial and other characteristics, long-term use will not appear rust deformation and other problems. And its good sealing performance can prevent dust, moisture and other pollutants from entering the room, providing a stable and clean space for the internal environment. Convenient and efficient: the unique charm of sliding doors sliding doors cleanroom is popular among consumers who seek convenience and efficiency. Its advantages are particularly prominent in places such as logistics channels and hospital clean areas. When the sliding door is opened, it does not take up additional space, making the transportation of goods and personnel smoother. The advanced automatic sensing system can quickly identify the proximity of people and objects, realize automatic opening and closing, and reduce the trouble of manual operation. At the same time, the smooth and low noise running track design ensures that the door is quiet and uninterrupted during the opening and closing process, which will not affect the normal work and rest of the room. The beauty of sealing: Excellent performance of airtight Windows airtight cleanroom window provides consumers with a clear view while ensuring indoor cleanliness. Air-tight Windows are indispensable in areas where internal operations need to be observed or daylight is generated. It adopts special sealing...

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Case Center
We have  cooperated with many well-known domestic pharmaceutical companies, R&D centers, hospitals, and disease control centers. Established long-term cooperative relationship. These include Qilu Pharmaceutical, Wanhua Chemical, Luye Pharmaceutical, Kanghong Pharmaceutical, Shanghai Fudan University, Shenzhen Nanshan Hospital, Shenzhen Pin...
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